Women’s League
The Dolphins entered the NSW Women’s League in the 2023/ 24 season. The NSW Women’s League is a high-level Home and Away competition held by Baseball NSW each Summer from September to March. It’s a competition held exclusively for female players.
There are two Grades of Competition.
• 1st Grade play 2-hour 15-minute games, Saturday afternoons and evenings.
• 2nd Grade play 2-hour games on Friday Nights from 7:30pm.
Minimum ages for Women’s baseball are 15 years for 1st grade and 14 years for 2nd grade.
Weekly training will at Chifley Sports Reserve, with session times and day determined at the start of each season. There will also be other opportunities for players to train each week on an individual basis or in small groups for those finding the time to do so.
Eastern Suburbs Women’s 1st and 2nd Grade teams successfully competed in the 2023/24 State Championship, both crowned Premiership Winners.
Girls and Women's Pathways
We believe that between Saturday Juniors, Sunday Minor League and now NSW Women’s League we are maximising the opportunity for girls and young women to have a pathway in baseball that may see them grow individually and as a group. Some of these players may go on to represent NSW at National Championships and Australia in the World Cup and maybe one day, the Olympics.
All should be future leaders and mentors in our community on and off the field.
All enquiries: Peter Neads
E: eswomensbb@gmail.com
M: 0418 215 112